First Consultation

For some people, attending their first consultation is very daunting and can make them unduly nervous. We do our very best to make you feel at ease and if you have any initial questions, Samantha Hawksworth, will always try and answer your questions in readiness for your visit, when you make your appointment.

So that you know what to expect, below are a few details of what’s required prior to the consultation and during which may help you understand a little more about how we work.

What to bring to the Orthopaedic Clinic

For your first consultation at the Orthopaedic Clinic, you will need to bring the right paperwork and clothing to enable Mr Geutjens to understand and examine your symptoms. Please bring: shorts or skirt – Mr Geutjens will need to examine your knee and leg, so please ensure you wear or bring an appropriate item of clothing.  any x-rays or scans – if you have any x-rays or scans of the area, these will be helpful. your GP referral letter – you do not need to bring this if you have already sent us a copy. letters – please bring any correspondence relating to your problem. What happens at the Knee Clinic?

During your first consultation at the Knee Clinic, Mr Geutjens will examine you and look at any letters or scans you have brought with you. He will discuss your condition with you and advise you on the best course of treatment. He may require scans or X-rays to help him diagnose any issues – and these will be arranged for a later date. If you require surgery, you will be given the right information to pass on to your insurer. You may also need a general health assessment appointment to confirm you are fit for your procedure. You will be advised as to how long your recovery time will be so you can arrange for time off work if needed. Mr Geutjens’ secretary will speak to you about a date for your operation. She will also arrange an appointment for any sutures to be removed after the operation.

After your Operation

You will be sent a post operative report after you have had your surgery. You can take this report to your physiotherapist so he or she can use the information to give you the right type of care. Mr Geutjens can recommend physiotherapists with expertise in knee injuries.

To book an appointment or find out more, please contact Mr Geutjens’ secretary.

Contact us

We are always happy to hear from anyone who feels Mr Geutjens may be able to assist them with a knee or ankle injury. Please use the form below to contact us.